Tag: Halakha

In this article, Rabbi Daniel Bouskila examines the tension between Jewish law (Halakha) and Jewish philosophy (Hashkafa) in relation to the celebration of Hanukkah and the role of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
Jay Michaelson's book, "The Heresy of Jacob Frank," challenges traditional portrayals of the 18th-century figure as an egomaniac and false messiah.
In this article, Rabbi Francis Nataf discusses the role of community in the formulation of Halakha (Jewish law).
Neo-Hasidism refers to the engagement with Hasidic texts and practices by individuals who are not part of a Hasidic community.
Rabbi Yitzhak Berdugo discusses the intersection of Halakha (Jewish law) and contemporary science, focusing specifically on the topic of sunset.
Rabbi Brendan Stern discusses the intersection of Halakha (Jewish law) and the Bitcoin revolution.
In this Hebrew lecture, R. Dr. Ratzon Arusi, a City Rabbi and member of Israel's Chief Rabbinate Council, discusses the role of Rambam's teachings in Torah, Halakha, and Mahshaba.
In this collection of letters, several topics pertaining to Judaism are discussed.
In this article, R. Yamin Levy discusses the differences between Sephardi and Ashkenazi approaches to Minhag (customs), Halakha (Jewish law), and Mahshaba (Jewish mysticism).
In this text, Rabbi Steven Dansky, the Rabbi of Cranbrook Synagogue, discusses the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories and concepts.
The video titled "Exploring Abarbanel" features Rabbi Steven Dansky discussing the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories and concepts.
In this video, R. Joseph Dweck discusses the views of R. Ovadia Yosef on the role of Kabbalah in Halakha (Jewish law).
In this audio recording by Rabbi Steven Dansky, he discusses the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories and concepts.
In response to a review of his book, "The Invention of Jewish Theocracy," Alexander Kaye clarifies his argument that the idea of a halakhic state in Israel is a departure from traditional Jewish thought.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rav Moshe Weinberger discusses the role of mysticism in modern-day Judaism.
In his book "Ireland and the Promised Land," Alexander Kaye explores the relationship between religion and the state in Israel.
"Headlines" is a popular Haredi podcast, launched in 2014, that delves into controversial and pressing issues affecting the Orthodox Jewish community by inviting distinguished figures to discuss topics related to Halakha and Jewish thought.
Dr. Yaakov Elman, a renowned Talmudist, was celebrated for his diverse scholarship that extended beyond Talmud to encompass various eras and texts in Jewish history, demonstrating his broad expertise and dedication to all areas of Torah.
In her book "The Myth of the Cultural Jew," Prof. Roberta Ronsethal Kwall discusses how even secular Jews have unknowingly absorbed Jewish legal traditions (halakha).
Dr. Leon Wiener Dow, from the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, delves into the themes of his book "The Going: A Meditation on Jewish Law" in which he explores the interconnections between God, law, prayer, practice, and community within Jewish law from both an autobiographical and theological perspective.
The Winter 2018 edition of "Letters" touches on various topics.
Dr. Joseph Ringel from Northwestern University explores the connection between halakha, politics, and culture within Sephardic religious leaders in Israel.
In "Not in the Market for a Gadol," Wendy Amsellem responds to Chaim Saiman's essay on the idea of communities led by a revered rabbinic figure known as a gadol.
Chaim Saiman's essay explores the concept of a gadol, a revered Jewish leader, within Centrist Orthodox and Haredi communities, highlighting the centrality of authority and Daas Torah.
Rabbi Elli Fischer's article challenges the authority of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and its restrictive practices, highlighting personal experiences where halakhic restrictions clashed with modern interpretations.