Tag: Hummus

The recipe provided is for lamb and hummus pita pockets known as Arayes, a dish made by filling halved pita bread with seasoned lamb mince and either tahini or hummus, then frying and baking until crisp.
This recipe features zaatar chicken served with hummus, pine nuts, and pomegranate.
Celebrate Yom Haatzmaut with an authentically Israeli feast featuring recipes that capture the flavors of Israel.
In episode 398 of Unorthodox, the podcast discusses the "two-strain solution" and features an interview with Jewish actress Jamie-Lynn Sigler, known for her role as Meadow Soprano on The Sopranos.
The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has spilled over into the realm of food, with the consumption of traditional Middle Eastern dishes like hummus and shawarma becoming a political act.
Over 20 Jewish groups from the United States and Spanish-speaking countries are urging Spain's linguistic authority, the Royal Academy of Spanish (RAE), to remove two antisemitic definitions from its official dictionary.
"The Big Hummusiot Guide" is a new Israeli book that explores the world of hummus restaurants, known as hummusiot.
"Learning to Cook Like a Jew" is a series called Unorthodox that follows the journey of Quinn Waller, who is converting to Judaism.
This personal essay explores the author's relationship with her father and his homemade hummus as he battles stage 3 lung cancer.
The article discusses the author's experience making pita bread and their apprehension about whether the bread would puff up properly.
Sabra, a major player in the US hummus market, is launching initiatives to increase hummus consumption beyond the current 32%.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron tackle three significant topics in "Parties Like It's 1999," exploring Israel's Left returning to past male leaders, the lasting impact of PM Benjamin Netanyahu's 2009 endorsement of a Palestinian state, and the potential role of hummus in Middle East peace.
The "Parties Like It's 1999" podcast with Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron delves into various Israeli political topics.
"On the Hummus Route" is a visually stunning coffee table book celebrating the cultural and culinary significance of hummus in nine Middle Eastern cities, highlighting the versatility and health benefits of chickpeas.
Conan O'Brien is on a food-filled trip to Israel for his show "Conan Without Borders."
Israeli Chef Einat Admony, known for her restaurants in New York City, shares tips on making hummus and eggplant mousse reminiscent of baba ghanoush in a video for Eater.