Tag: Interfaith Understanding

Whitney Weathers, a Black Christian woman working in the Jewish nonprofit sector as a diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice practitioner, reflects on her journey and learnings.
Sesame Street premiered an episode called "Shabbat Shalom," celebrating the Jewish holiday of Shabbat.
In response to the current high tensions in the Jewish community due to the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel, experts Lynda Fishman and Dr. Barbara Landau discussed coping strategies during difficult times in a live event hosted by the CJN and the Prosserman JCC.
The article proposes a program called the Jethro Project, which aims to provide non-Jewish clergy with the opportunity to engage in focused Jewish study.
In this episode of "For Heaven's Sake," Elana Stein Hain discusses the concept of tolerating the intolerable within the Jewish community.
The article highlights five recommended Christmas-themed books for Jewish kids to help them feel less left out during the holiday season.
The author reflects on his journey from a devout Mormon upbringing to questioning his faith as he delves into different religious experiences alongside his wife R. Despite being raised in Mormonism, they explore Judaism, attending a Passover Seder and embracing Jewish rituals like wearing a tallit.