Tag: International Relations

While acknowledging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's intentions for Israel's welfare, there are growing concerns about his decision-making, including recent conflicts with the Biden Administration over weapons shipments and doubts about completely eradicating Hamas.
The text reflects the author's deep connection to the Eurovision Song Contest, highlighting the joy and pride they feel when Israel participates in the competition.
Israel recently shut down Al Jazeera in the country and the West Bank, citing it as an agent of a hostile state and jeopardizing security.
Jonathan Schanzer discusses the recent escalation between Israel and Hezbollah on the northern border, highlighting the tensions in the region.
The article discusses the manipulation of language and historical narratives in the Palestinian propaganda complex to demonize Israel and the Jewish people.
The podcast discusses two main topics.
Senator Tom Cotton discusses Israel's future direction, highlights concerns about the Biden administration's support for Israel amid the ongoing conflict, criticizes President Biden's approach to Iran, and covers other related topics in a podcast episode.
The podcast discusses Merrick Garland's recent appearance on Capitol Hill, Democratic concerns about silencing Donald Trump, and the current relations between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.
CIA Director William Burns has been elevated to President Biden's cabinet, but the move is largely symbolic and does not give Burns any new authorities.
In a recent interview, Professor Avi Shlaim discusses his new book, "Three Worlds: Memoir of an Arab-Jew," which sheds light on the experiences of Jewish communities in Iraq and their subsequent migration to Israel.
Israel, at 75 years old, is often seen as vulnerable to various existential threats, but it has proven to be resilient throughout its history.
The podcast discusses the Biden administration's shift in tactics regarding sending tanks to Ukraine, as well as topics related to DeSantis and Trump.
The podcast discusses the anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the current ideological and partisan divisions within the United States on this issue.
The podcast discusses the political dynamics surrounding Ukrainian President Zelensky's brief visit to Washington to meet with President Biden and address Congress.
The article argues that Britain can learn several important lessons from Israel.
In this podcast discussion, there is an exploration of the possibility of the American people pressuring politicians to implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine and the potential disastrous outcomes of such a decision.
The text discusses the expectation of increased brutality in the Russian advance in Ukraine and questions if the West will maintain its resolve to avoid direct engagement in the face of such atrocities.
The text criticizes the Biden administration for appearing ineffective in handling a new Covid panic and addressing potential Russian invasion signals regarding Ukraine with only stern letters.
In a discussion with Bloomberg columnist Eli Lake, the focus is on America's decision to abandon 20 years of work and progress in Afghanistan, emphasizing that this outcome was avoidable.
In this article, Haaretz journalist Noa Landau and Middle East analyst Aaron Magid discuss the new Israeli government's efforts to improve relations with Jordan.
In this podcast episode, Dalia Dassa Kaye, a scholar from the Wilson Center, explores the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran and its implications for the Biden administration and the Gulf Arab states.
In a podcast discussion, the focus is on the tense first major diplomatic meeting between the Biden administration and senior Chinese officials where the U.S. representatives were taken aback by the Chinese officials' criticisms.
Ambassador Daniel Shapiro offers his perspective on the Biden administration's approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In this podcast episode, Dr. Moran Zaga from the Mitvim Institute discusses the future of Israel-Arab state normalization process under President-elect Joe Biden.
Israel and the United Arab Emirates agreeing to pursue a peace accord signifies shifting dynamics in the Middle East, despite the European and American left's reluctance to acknowledge this change.