Tag: Israel Defense Forces

Avigdor Lieberman made a bold move in Israeli politics by refusing to join Netanyahu's coalition due to his objection to compromises on conscription policies for Haredi men.
The recent conflict between Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza and Israel resulted in over 650 rockets hitting Israel, killing four civilians.
In a post-Passover episode of "In the Bag," Jewish guests Rebecca Minkoff and Moriel Rothman-Zecher share their stories, with Minkoff discussing her fashion career and support for women, while Rothman-Zecher talks about moving to Israel and becoming a conscientious objector.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Gilad Halpern reflect on the 25th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, raising questions about unfulfilled hopes for peace between Palestinians and Jews.
Pnina Sharvit Baruch discusses the rules of engagement for the IDF in responding to the Gaza demonstrations on a show hosted by Eli and Evan.
In the post-World War II era, the Jewish Agency established a covert arms procurement network in the United States under the Haganah, involving a diverse group of Americans, including Jewish gangsters, who provided crucial support for the future state of Israel.
In "Strategic Imperatives," the author explains Israel's historical national security strategy focused on deterrence, early warning, and decisive victories in battles.
After a severe earthquake struck Mexico, killing over 200 people, Israel swiftly mobilized a search and rescue team to assist in the aftermath.
The text discusses the ethical considerations surrounding Israel's military operations, particularly focusing on Operation Protective Edge against Hamas.
The article discusses the challenges Israel faces in its public relations efforts due to incidents like the killing of four children playing soccer on a Gaza beach by Israeli shells during Operation Protective Edge.
Aaron Kaplowitz, a former IDF soldier, describes watching a pivotal NFL game between Tom Brady and Peyton Manning with his tank battalion commander on an Israeli military outpost near the Lebanese border.
Ariel Sharon, a prominent figure in Israeli military and politics, was known for his military exploits as a field commander in the Israel Defense Forces and his controversial political career that included leading military operations and settlements.
On the 40th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, a debate arises over the actions of Israel's top spymasters regarding the conflict.
The text discusses the author's personal experience of refusing reserve duty in the Israel Defense Forces during the First Intifada due to his objection to Israeli rule in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.
President Obama reassured resilience in the face of adversity at a Boston Marathon bombing memorial.
The FBI is investigating the Boston Marathon attack with no formal suspects identified yet, while a young boy from Dorchester is among the three confirmed dead in the incident.
David Beeri, a former IDF officer, utilized legal loopholes like the Absentees Property Law to claim land in Silwan, an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem, for Jewish settlement under the guise of historical ownership.
The article discusses Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon after a 22-year presence in 2000, highlighting the chaotic and abrupt nature of the retreat.
The author reflects on significant numbers that have shaped his Jewish identity, ranging from experiencing a divine connection at 10 to grappling with manhood at 14, serving in the IDF at 17, engaging in activism through hunger strikes, facing healthcare costs during protests, and navigating financial transitions in Israel and the U.S.