Tag: Israel Defense Forces

Jewish and Israeli athletes, artists, and performers are facing bans and cancellations in various public spheres, prompting discussions on the implications of these actions.
A recent survey conducted among Orthodox Jews in the U.S. by Nishma Research shows significant differences in attitudes towards Zionism within the Orthodox community.
Attorney Debra Gassman is in a legal battle with the Cook County Public Defenders Office over her right to display a photo of herself holding a gun in front of an Israeli flag, taken during her time volunteering for the Israel Defense Forces.
Rabbi Zecharia Deutsch and his family are in hiding after receiving death threats due to his stint as an IDF reservist in Israel.
In this article, Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove reflects on the challenge of engaging with individuals who hold different views on Israel.
Israeli reservists who have returned home after serving in Gaza are facing challenges as they transition back into civilian life.
Gazala Halabi, the owner of Gazalass, a Druze restaurant on the Upper West Side of New York, has received overwhelming support from the Jewish and Israeli communities after her restaurant was vandalized and subjected to negative reviews and harassment.
There are concerns within the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) among mid-level reserve officers about the possibility of the war with Hamas being prematurely halted without achieving the desired objectives of eliminating Hamas as a military and political threat.
This article discusses the use of undercover Israeli forces, known as Mistaarvim, in the Palestinian territories.
The situation in northern Israel, particularly in the Galilee region, is currently tense due to ongoing missile attacks by Hezbollah.
Sheba Medical Center in Israel has been using innovative simulation systems and unique tools to provide war-related rehabilitation.
In a 1964 interview, S.Y. Agnon, a renowned Jewish author, reflected on the significance of a Jewish army defending the State of Israel.
There is a growing trend of haredi (ultra-Orthodox) young men in Israel volunteering for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
The Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA) for Gaza, a division of COGAT (the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories), is working tirelessly to ensure the humanitarian needs of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip are met, despite claims that Israel is not doing enough.
During the World Economic Forum in Davos, several individuals and countries expressed support for Israel and condemned anti-Semitism.
Jonathan Conricus, former international spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), discusses his role in defending Israel amid a surge of anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli propaganda in the media.
In the Druze town of Hurfeish, located near the Lebanese border, a group of older Druze men have formed a first-response team for security threats.
Israeli military service is a significant part of Israeli society, as it is mandatory and seen as a rite of passage.
A group of survivors of the Nova massacre, in which over 1,200 people were killed and 240 kidnapped by Hamas, gathered for a retreat in Cyprus.
The Israel Defense Forces have confirmed that Sahar Baruch, a hostage held by Hamas in Gaza, died during a failed rescue attempt in early December.
Two Israeli-Americans, Judith Weinstein and Gadi Haggai, who went missing during the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, have been confirmed killed.
Two Israeli-Americans who went missing during the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 have been confirmed killed.
Two Israeli reserve soldiers discovered a well-preserved Byzantine-era oil lamp while at a military staging area near the Gaza border.
The Israeli military has begun constructing a buffer zone along the entire Gaza border, located on the Gaza side and only accessible to Israel Defense Forces personnel.
The Israeli government has approved a transfer of $20.8 million in security funding for outposts in Judea and Samaria, amidst accusations that Jerusalem has neglected the protection of citizens in the disputed area since the recent war with Hamas.