Tag: Israeli Hostage

Hagar Brodutch, a former Israeli hostage released by Hamas after 51 days, is now in Toronto with her family for a break.
Shlomo Mansour, the oldest Israeli hostage in Gaza, survived both the recent massacre by Hamas and the 1941 Farhud massacre in Iraq, showcasing a history of anti-Jewish violence in the Middle East.
In a bid to raise awareness about Israeli hostages, influencer Montana Tucker featured the story of a freed hostage in a skincare promo, prompting mixed reactions among supporters.
"Rimon's Song" is a poignant musical tribute written by David Brinn in response to the captivity of Rimon Kirsht Buchshtav, taken by Hamas terrorists and released after over 50 days.
The author reflects on the emotional journey of praying for an Israeli hostage, Uriel Baruch, only to find out he was killed rather than kidnapped, adding a personal connection they felt through shared birthdays and interactions with Baruch's family.
New Yorkers celebrated the Jewish holiday of Purim in various ways, from lively street parties in Brooklyn to a solemn rally in Central Park.
Recently freed Israeli hostage Mia Schem has been invited to attend President Joe Biden's State of the Union address in Washington, D.C., along with other families of hostages as part of ongoing negotiations for their release.
Hundreds of people gathered in Hostages Square in Tel Aviv to mark the first birthday of Israeli hostage Kfir Bibas, who was abducted along with his family by Hamas in October.
This article covers various topics related to the Israel-Gaza conflict and its impact on Jewish communities.