Tag: Israeli Occupation

The article discusses the author's experience of being assaulted by an Israeli police officer while participating in a protest in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem, a site of Palestinian evictions by settler organizations.
Osama Abuirshaid, executive director of American Muslims for Palestine, has admitted to exploiting the trial period of the U.S. Visa Waiver Program, which his organization has been working to block Israel from joining.
Activists from the progressive Jewish group IfNotNow have launched a campaign urging Democratic lawmakers in New York to reject endorsements and financial contributions from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a two-term Democrat, is facing his first primary challenge from Pastor Michael Gerald.
Scholar Jennifer Lynn Kelly explores the political potential of Palestinian solidarity tourism in her book, "Invited to Witness."
Despite recent controversial actions by the Israeli government, there has been a lack of significant protests from the American Jewish community.
In this opinion piece, the author expresses her shock and anger at activists who are calling for the globalizing of the intifada, viewing it as a demand for violence rather than peace.
The article criticizes efforts to humanize Palestinians as racist, arguing that such attempts reinforce stereotypes and harmful perceptions.
The trial of Israeli Defense Forces sergeant Elor Azaria, charged with manslaughter for killing a wounded Palestinian terrorist in Hebron, has sparked division in Israel as it reflects broader issues beyond his individual actions.
In Bringing the Heat Ep.
Professor Jeff Halper discusses his book "War Against the People," focusing on Israel's role in global politics as a leading proponent of a "securocratic" regime.
Ziad Abu Ein, a Palestinian activist known for organizing the Olive Branch March during the First Intifada, demonstrated his commitment to nonviolent protest and peace efforts.
In a dialogue between Allison, Don, Eilon, and Noah, the discussion revolves around the legacy of Shulamit Aloni in promoting rights discourse, the connection between the Israeli occupation and global anti-Semitism as questioned by Minister Naftali Bennett, and the perceived decline of the Israeli political center.
The text discusses the author's personal experience of refusing reserve duty in the Israel Defense Forces during the First Intifada due to his objection to Israeli rule in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.
Former New Republic editor Peter Beinart spoke at J Street's annual conference, advocating for a Zionist boycott of products from beyond the Green Line and the dismantling of Israel's chief rabbi position.