Tag: Jewish Beliefs

Inmates at Woodbourne Correctional Facility in New York, including individuals of various religious beliefs, have filed a lawsuit against the state's corrections department for denying them the chance to witness the upcoming solar eclipse, which they view as a religious experience.
The essay explores the concept of rationality in relation to beliefs, specifically in the context of Judaism.
This text emphasizes the Jewish belief in resurrection, rejecting the idea of "you only live once."
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik discusses the Jewish perspective on martyrdom in a conversation with Jonathan Silver in a podcast.
In this personal account, the author reflects on her loss of her son to suicide and how humor has played a significant role in her life.
In this podcast, the mechanics of the afterlife are explored, including the purging of the soul and what happens in purgatory.
The discussion explores the concept of Oral Torah, as deemed essential by Maimonides in his Thirteen Principles of Faith, alongside the Written Torah.