Tag: Jewish Calendar

Jewish tradition encourages staying up all night studying Torah on Shavuot to rectify the mistake of the ancient Israelites oversleeping when receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai.
Shavuot is discussed as an all-night holiday commemorating the giving of the Torah.
Israel is considering a ceasefire proposal, involving staged releases of hostages and prisoner exchanges with Hamas, brokered through the Qataris and supported by Joe Biden.
The article discusses the complexities of mourning practices during the Omer period, the seven weeks between Passover and Shavuot.
NASA is contemplating the creation of a time zone on the moon, raising questions about how Jewish travelers in space would observe rituals like Shabbat.
Massachusetts lawmakers postponed their annual budget debate to accommodate Passover observance, a schedule change prompted by Jewish representatives concerned about the conflict with the holiday.
Gashmius Magazine and the New Voices Fellows engaged in studying hasidic texts, exploring the idea that Torah is continuously given since Sinai.
The text is a satirical (almost) Purim spoof envisioning a report on issues of anti-Semitism on Ivy League campuses, including mandating Jewish students wear yellow Jewish stars for visibility and humorous reinterpretations of slogans from pro-Hamas rallies.
Jewish communities are grappling with how to address Chapter Nine of the Book of Esther, a violent chapter in the Purim story where the Jews of ancient Shushan in Persia kill over 75,000 people.
The text reflects on the significance of the Jewish calendar as a guide to history, values, and survival, particularly after traumatic events like the war unleashed on October 7, 2023.
Shabbat times for the week of March 8 to March 15 in various cities are listed, including the start and end times for Shabbat on March 8 and March 15.
The Jewish calendar's leap day in Adar, observed during a leap year, adds a full month to correct for discrepancies between lunar and solar years maintaining the holiday of Passover in the spring.
The article discusses a couple's decision to let go of their frozen embryos due to fears of losing reproductive rights amidst legal changes affecting abortion and reproductive care, particularly in the context of the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling on embryo status.
In 1614, the Jews in Frankfurt faced antisemitic persecution led by Vincenz Fettmilch but were quickly restored to their homes and rights.
The Shabbat times for the week from February 23 to March 1 are provided, including the Shabbat start and end times in various cities, the Torah portion of Tetzaveh read on Saturday, February 24, and the observance of Purim Katan on Friday, February 23.
Tu Bishvat, known as the birthday of trees, is a low-stress holiday for Jewish parents.
Tu Bishvat, the New Year for Trees, while considered a lesser Jewish festival, has gained significance for its eco-Jewish emphasis and connection to the Land of Israel.
Asarah BTevet, also known as the tenth of Tevet, is a fast day on the Jewish calendar that commemorates the beginning of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem.
During the period from October 6 to October 13, important Jewish holidays and observances take place.
Sukkot is described as a cherished Jewish holiday, distinct from others due to its emphasis on joy, nature, and earth-based rituals.
The Etgar High Holy Day Quiz provides questions related to Rosh Hashanah and the Jewish calendar.
During World War II, the rabbis of Jerusalem received a urgent telegram from Kobe, Japan, asking which day Jews should fast on Yom Kippur.
In this article, the author discusses their approach to preparing for the High Holidays, specifically during the month of Elul leading up to Rosh Hashanah.
The author apologizes for not posting in a few weeks due to various reasons such as holidays, illness, and busy schedule.
Israeli literary figure Etgar Keret discusses defending democracy, storytelling, and heartwarming stories about his late mother in a recent interview.