Tag: Jewish Demographics

The article discusses Gather, Inc.'s Heartbeat Model of engagement as a tool for building and sustaining relationships in Jewish communities, particularly with the Surge population of unengaged Jews seeking connection.
Bonjour Chai's Third Annual Great Canadian Seder brings together a diverse group of Canadian Jews to discuss navigating potential political tensions at Passover gatherings, the universalization of the Passover story, and the role of storytelling.
According to a report by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, there are currently fewer than 250,000 Holocaust survivors alive today.
The article discusses the author's disagreement with the focus on demographics in Jewish writings, particularly in relation to Israel's survival.
Uzi Rebhun's analysis in "Jews and the American Religious Landscape" delves into American Jewry's demographics, intermarriage, socioeconomic status, religious identification, and political orientation.
Economist Zvi Eckstein explores the economic history of Jews beyond moneylending, offering insights into the demographic shifts of the Jewish people.