Tag: Jewish Education

In response to Chaim Saiman's views on female Torah study and leadership, Sharona Margolin Halickman argues that women in American Modern Orthodox communities should be able to take on leadership roles despite traditional family structures and halakhic considerations.
In TanakhCast episode #134 titled "The Rollicking Youngster Edition," the podcast delves into the Tanakh, exploring and discussing 4 chapters every two weeks from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
Abraham Carmel, formerly known as Kenneth Charles Cox, made headlines in 1979 for being a Catholic priest who converted to Orthodox Judaism after a period of spiritual exploration through various religions.
Rabbi Ozer Glickman, a beloved teacher and figure in the Jewish community, passed away, leaving behind a legacy of kindness and generosity.
This poem "Ode to a Nightingale" by Yocheved Friedman is a tribute to Rav Yosef Dov Ha-Levi Soloveitchik, focusing on his impactful legacy as a teacher and leader.
TanakhCast is a podcast that delves into the Tanakh, starting from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, where every two weeks, listeners explore and discuss four chapters.
Important new research is being conducted in the Orthodox community to address issues often overlooked by mainstream Jewish surveys, focusing on Modern Orthodoxy.
Zvi Grumet responds to criticisms of his recent Orthodox survey, acknowledging his study lacks professional social science research standards but defends its importance in providing insights into educational systems' impacts.
In TanakhCast #123, the discussion revolves around exploring and reflecting on 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, beginning with Genesis and concluding with 2 Chronicles.
The kibbutz, once viewed as a successful utopian experiment in Israel, has undergone significant changes over the years, with many kibbutzim privatizing and facing disillusionment.
TanakhCast #121 presents an ongoing podcast series where 4 chapters of the Tanakh are discussed every two weeks, covering material from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
The writer reflects on their profound connection to the study of Talmud at the Drisha Institute, where they first encountered the text and discovered their love for learning and teaching Torah.
Jack Bieler champions women's Talmud study, noting the importance of individual interest and ability in Jewish education.
The TanakhCast podcast explores the Tanakh, covering 4 chapters every two weeks from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In "Postmodern Orthodoxy: Giving Voice to a New Generation" by Gil Perl, the focus is on addressing the challenges faced by Modern Orthodox Millennials, particularly those returning from secular universities to Orthodox institutions feeling a sense of foreignness amidst differing worldviews.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein emphasizes the importance of women's Torah study and religious practice, rooted in a concern for current and future generations.
Leonard A. Matanky reflects on his experience teaching girls Talmud at Ida Crown Jewish Academy in Chicago for nearly 30 years, emphasizing the importance of imbuing students with skills, context, and a love of learning.
Sarah Brammer-Shlay, a member of the IfNotNow movement, highlights the need to address a moral crisis within the Jewish community regarding the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
In TanakhCast #114, the podcast delves into the exploration and discussion of four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, aiming to cover a wide span of texts from the Jewish scriptures.
The article discusses challenges in tefillah education faced by many Jewish educators, highlighting a common focus on improving human aspects of prayer without addressing the essential aspect of teaching about God, the One to whom prayers are directed.
Rafi Eis discusses the challenges in teaching tefillah (prayer) effectively in Jewish education, emphasizing the need to address not only human aspects but also the theological understanding of God, which is often neglected.
NCSY has introduced a groundbreaking siddur designed to engage and inspire teenagers in prayer, featuring stories, questions, and images to help them connect with tefillot on a deeper level.
NCSY has created a unique Siddur aimed at revolutionizing teenage prayer experiences, filled with stories, questions, and images to inspire young people's connection to prayer.
The author discusses the high costs associated with being Jewish, including expenses for synagogue membership, day school tuition, and kosher food.
In TanakhCast #112, the podcast delves into 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, covering texts from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, aiming for a comprehensive journey through the scriptures despite the lengthy process.