Tag: Jewish Education

Shmuel Yosef Agnon, a renowned figure in modern Hebrew fiction, is celebrated for his profound and beloved literary works that draw on traditional Jewish texts like the siddur, Hebrew Bible, and rabbinic literature, playing a key role in the revival of modern Hebrew literature worldwide.
This episode explores the narrator's father's career at NASA during the Apollo Program, highlighting lessons that can be learned from that era.
Jewish educators are encouraged to transform uncertainty into educational opportunities surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with tools and skills provided by programs like Conflicts of Interest by The iCenter.
The essay discusses how accusations of Jews engaging in a "competition of victimhood" by emphasizing their experiences with discrimination are a tactic of antisemitism.
In the final episode of the series on Rambam's 13 principles of faith, this podcast delves into the unresolved mysteries surrounding Resurrection.
In a symposium on modesty in the modern age, Rabbi Reuven Brand emphasizes the importance of tzenius for meaningful lives in today's society.
A seasoned educator reflects on the evolution of teaching modesty (tzenius) to high school students, emphasizing a shift towards inner values and personal growth as opposed to solely focusing on outward appearance.
Dr. Zipora Schorr, director of education at Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School in Baltimore, discusses a new approach to teaching tzeniut (modesty) to a diverse student body, aiming for relevance and practicality while maintaining fidelity to Jewish law and values.
Gila Ross, an educator and podcaster, discusses the importance of accountability and thoughtful engagement on social media in a piece for a Jewish media outlet.
The text discusses the deep symbolism of lighting the menorah and its parallels to parenting and teaching.
Rabbi Gordon shares a cute joke during a Torah class related to a silver candlestick in this video.
The text discusses various issues and experiences shared by different individuals in the Jewish community.
Rav Gershon Edelstein, a revered figure in the yeshivah world, passed away at the age of 100, leaving behind a legacy of quiet influence and profound Torah knowledge.
The text discusses the intriguing phenomenon of self-hating Jews, noting that even Jews can hold antisemitic views.
In this article, Mishpacha writers reflect on the impact of sacred Jewish texts, or seforim, on their lives.
This text discusses the enduring value of Torah compared to other investments and assets, using metaphors like the rise and fall of cryptocurrencies to illustrate the consistency of Torah's worth.
The text discusses the evolving role of women in Torah study and education, highlighting how women are now actively engaged in learning and teaching Torah across various Jewish communities, thanks to movements like Beit Yaakov and educational initiatives promoting female involvement.
Future of Jewish, a digital publication focused on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, has made its content free to reach a wider audience worldwide.
The article discusses the increasing appearance of Hebrew in English-language books, highlighting works such as "Unalone" by Jessica Jacobs, "The Safekeep" by Yael Van Der Wouden, and "Fervor" by Toby Lloyd.
Exploring the significance and power behind flags, delving into various topics including dragons and Disney World in this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole.
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, a key figure in Chabad-Lubavitch's global outreach efforts, passed away at 74 after battling cancer.
The author reflects on feeling spiritually homeless while growing up in a mixed denominational Jewish environment in America.
Future of Jewish is a digital publication dedicated to providing inspiration, education, and connection about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
Choosing a school for your child involves considering various factors, as highlighted in a survey conducted by Seed in 2021 among Jewish primary school families.
Gateways: Access to Jewish Education, with the support of the Ruderman Family Foundation, has taken proactive steps to address the increasing mental health challenges among students in Jewish day schools.