Tag: Jewish Education

Rav Shagar, a unique and influential Israeli thinker, sought to bridge the gap between Torah truths and modern/postmodern culture, addressing contemporary intellectual and spiritual challenges through the lenses of Hasidut, Kabbalah, and philosophy.
TanakhCast #108: The City Mouse Edition is a recurring podcast that examines 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis and concluding in 2 Chronicles.
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, a young rabbi, displayed remarkable vision and innovation in his educational manifesto outlined in a short article in a Boston newspaper shortly after his arrival in the United States in the 1930s.
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik embarked on a mission to revitalize Jewish education in Boston, particularly through Maimonides School, emphasizing the synthesis of Torah and secular studies.
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, in a 1932 interview, highlights the challenge facing Orthodox Jews in blending traditional Jewish religious study with modern secular education.
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, a prominent figure in Jewish thought, arrived in the United States in 1932 with his family, after leaving Berlin amidst restrictive immigration policies.
Professor Louis Feldman, remembered fondly for his unique teaching style and expertise as a Harvard-trained classicist, made significant contributions to the study of Jewish writers in classical literature, particularly Josephus.
In "The Story of Hebrew," Lewis Glinert presents Hebrew as a language with a rich and complex history, detailing its survival and evolution over centuries.
TanakhCast #101 is part of a series that explores and reflects on four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, covering the texts from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In a symposium focused on the Orthodox Union's statement about professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues, Matt Reingold explores the role of scholars-in-residence in congregational culture.
In response to the Orthodox Union's statement on women's roles in Orthodox synagogues, Sara Wolkenfeld reflects on the implications for day school education, highlighting the need for equal opportunities and treatment for both genders.
The discussion centered around the Modern Orthodox Women's Agenda in the 1980s and the challenges they faced in advancing in areas such as Torah study, prayer groups, and religious leadership.
Yaakov Bieler discusses the need for revolutionary changes in Talmud education to engage students and address moral lapses seen in some learned individuals.
The text explores the impact of educational theory in response to the 1957 Sputnik crisis on Jewish education and specifically Talmud curriculum.
"TanakhCast #96: The Leviathan Edition" is a podcast that explores and discusses four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, with a focus on the Leviathan.
For over 1,400 years, the Oral Torah was passed down orally and forbidden to be written down in a finalized form.
The text discusses an introduction to the Oral Torah, highlighting the four components of the Oral Torah and the four elements not found in the Written Torah.
The discussion delves into the upbringing of Yaakov and Esav by Yitzhak and Rivkah, highlighting the importance of individualized education and understanding children's unique inclinations and needs.
Rabbi Zev Eleff reflects on the challenges faced by rabbis and parents, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing family.
The podcast explores the complex relationship between the written and oral Torah, arguing that the intricate connection between the two surpasses human capability, suggesting a divine origin for the Torah.
In episode 91 of the TanakhCast podcast, the hosts delve into the discussion of four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, covering from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In TanakhCast #90, the discussion revolves around reflecting on and analyzing four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, beginning from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In TanakhCast #88, the podcast reflects on and discusses four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, progressing from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, offering insights and interpretations on the text.
In episode 84 of TanakhCast, the podcast delves into the discussion of 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, progressing from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In the TanakhCast #80 episode titled "The Truly Spectacular Edition," the podcast delves into 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, beginning from Genesis and culminating in 2 Chronicles, though the journey may be lengthy.