Tag: Jewish Educators

As Israel continues to grapple with the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks, Jewish educators and communal professionals are experiencing a profound reconnection with the country.
The Marquette University chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine set up a memorial for the victims of the Gaza conflict on campus, which was later desecrated by three individuals unaffiliated with the university.
The field of Israel education, as highlighted by The iCenter's work and researcher Shelley Billig's report, emphasizes a learner-centered approach that incorporates narratives, experiential learning, and nuanced understanding of Israel's complexities.
The director of experiential education at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem highlights the importance of using the beit midrash, or the Jewish house of study, as a model for Israel education.
This article explores how the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Jewish education is being debated among educators and students.
The text recounts a personal reflection on the Battle of the Baal Shem Tov, discussing a family's differing views on the legendary founder of the Hasidic movement.
Tisha B'Av, a solemn day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, has been observed at Jewish summer camps in troubling ways, leading to traumatizing experiences for campers.
The text discusses the historical evolution and challenges of Jewish day school education in the United States.
ShalomLearning, an innovative platform created by industry veterans Rosen and Schain, aims to revolutionize Jewish education by integrating technology into the learning process.