Tag: Jewish Insider

Washington State Sen. Emily Randall, a leading Democratic candidate in the states 6th Congressional District, fired her campaign manager after reports of pro-Hamas social media activity.
A panel discussion hosted by Hadassah Magazine's Executive Editor Lisa Hostein will feature English-language journalists in Israel sharing their experiences reporting on the aftermath of Hamas terror attacks from October 7 onwards.
Multiple recent high-profile articles in publications like Time and The Atlantic have shed light on the experiences of North American Jews amid rising antisemitism and pro-Palestinian protests since Oct. 7.
Eve Rosenbaum, the assistant general manager of the Baltimore Orioles, has been a dedicated fan of the team since childhood.
Dear White Staffers, a once-popular Instagram page known for sharing workplace experiences and gossip among lawmakers and their staffers, has transformed into an anti-Israel and arguably antisemitic platform over the past few months.
Rep. Andy Kim (D-NJ) is emphasizing his national security expertise and support for Israel in his bid for the Senate against Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), who faces legal challenges.
Josh Kraushaar, a contributor to Jewish Insider, discusses the power shift within House Republicans following the removal of Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the ascendancy of Matt Gaetz on a recent podcast.
As the 2024 presidential primary season approaches, the Democratic Party is anticipating potential divisions over Israel in the crafting of their party platform.
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) aims to move past internal disputes within the Democratic party and rally behind President-elect Joe Biden.
In this discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Jacob Kornbluh, and Tabby Refael explore the implications of the 2020 U.S. presidential election on the Israel-Diaspora relationship.
In this article, the focus is on Joe Biden's choice for his running mate in the upcoming presidential election.
The podcast People of the Pod discusses the recent rise in antisemitic attacks targeting Orthodox Jews in New York, featuring insights from Jacob Kornbluh, a national politics reporter for Jewish Insider.