Tag: Jewish Self Determination

The text discusses the portrayal of Jews and Zionists in the media, emphasizing the rise in anti-Zionist sentiments and the association of Zionism with global control.
The text discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, highlighting Hamas's aim to eliminate Israel and create a region free of Jews.
The text discusses personal experiences of moving to Israel, highlighting unexpected lessons learned upon arrival, such as dealing with security concerns like bomb scares and rocket attacks, as well as the complex emotional rollercoaster of living in a country with ongoing political and social challenges.
The essay "You Might Be Antisemitic: A Handy Guide for the Aspiring Anti-Zionist" explores the blurred line between anti-Zionism and antisemitism, highlighting key warning signs.
The article discusses the author's personal journey from not being raised in a Zionist environment to becoming deeply connected to Zionism after living in Israel.
The article discusses the ongoing conflict within a synagogue over the labels of Zionist and anti-Zionist.
In his new book, "The Necessity of Exile: Essays From a Distance," Shaul Magid argues for a reevaluation of Zionism and the benefits of living in exile, even within the state of Israel itself.
This excerpt is from a book of addresses by Rabbi Joseph Ber Soloveitchik, a prominent figure in religious Zionism.
The New Zionist Congress has been established by Jewish college students to counter rising anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment on campuses.