Tag: Jewish State

In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss three main topics.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Sally Abed discuss the significance of United Arab List head Dr. Mansour Abbas stating that Israel is and always will be a Jewish State.
The Omicron variant of the coronavirus is spreading rapidly, surpassing the Delta variant as the leading source of new infections in the United States.
Amalia Saar, an Anthropology Professor at the University of Haifa, co-authored a book with Dr. Hawazin Younis titled "Diversity: Palestinian career women in Israel," which explores the experiences of female professionals like doctors, lawyers, and engineers within Israel.
In the book "Diversity: Palestinian career women in Israel," co-authored by Amalia Saar and Dr. Hawazin Younis, the professional and personal experiences of female doctors, lawyers, and engineers in Israel are examined.
The debate surrounding Zionism and Judaism focuses on whether opposing Zionism makes one un-Jewish.
The article explores the ambivalence that Jews have towards power, particularly in the context of Israel and the recent conflict with Hamas.
This article argues for a more complex and inclusive approach to Israel education in Modern Orthodox schools.
The article discusses the author's experience arranging a speaking tour for Yiddish poet Abraham Sutzkever in Canada in 1959.
In his book "Ireland and the Promised Land," Alexander Kaye explores the relationship between religion and the state in Israel.
This podcast episode features a discussion between Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman on three key topics.
Donald Trump's recent commutation of his associate Roger Stone has raised concerns about his presidency among the public.
Peter Beinart, a prominent Jewish American commentator, recently wrote two essays advocating for a one-state, bi-national solution to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis.
Alexander Kaye's book, "The Invention of Jewish Theocracy: The Struggle for Legal Authority in Modern Israel," explores the history of religious Zionism's dream of a Jewish state governed by Halakhah.
In a Jewish-themed podcast episode titled "The It's All About the Benjamins Edition," hosts discuss Benny Gantz potentially breaking his promise not to serve with Benjamin Netanyahu, the role of humanities in a Jewish state, and the trend of rabbis sending people for DNA tests to verify Jewish ancestry.
In "State or Substate?", Dmitry Shumsky explores the idea of nonstatist Zionism, focusing on major Jewish figures like Judah Magnes and Martin Buber who envisioned a binational state in Palestine where Jews and Arabs would coexist without one group ruling over the other.
The book "The Gray Lady and the Jewish State" discusses the New York Times' controversial editorial decisions regarding Israel and Zionism, particularly highlighted by a 2019 anti-Semitic cartoon in the international edition.
This text outlines a perspective on achieving peace in the Middle East, emphasizing the fundamental issue of Arab recognition of Israel's right to exist.
Fordham University has been ordered by a New York state court to recognize a chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) following a two-year legal battle.
The podcast episode titled "Israel, Illiberal: Is the Jewish State in Democratic Decline?" explores the topic of whether Israel is moving towards illiberalism.
Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, joined AJC Project Interchange's annual delegation of U.S. mayors and shared his experiences visiting Israel.
Mark Mellman of the Democratic Majority for Israel and Holly Huffnagle from the American Jewish Committee discuss the Democratic Party's stance on Israel and efforts to counter anti-Israel sentiments within the party.
In this episode of "The Lessons of War Edition," Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss various topics including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Benny Gantz's boasting about killing terrorists in Gaza, and historian Benny Morris's pessimistic prediction about the future for Jews in Palestine.
In a discussion on various topics, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman touch on important issues such as the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Benny Gantz's use of body counts in campaigning, and Benny Morris's prediction of a bleak future for Jews in Palestine.
Reinhold Niebuhr, a prominent Christian theologian, initially supported missionary efforts to convert Jews to Christianity in the 1920s but later abandoned this stance influenced by the Detroit Jewish community's social activism and commitment to social justice.