Tag: Jewish Students

The text discusses observations about campus protests, highlighting insights from professors Rashid Khalidi and David Myers on the crackdown on pro-Palestine protesters at Columbia and UCLA.
The author commends Jewish students observing Shabbat and performing mitzvot at the United for Palestine encampment at the University of Chicago, clarifying their enthusiastic support for these actions, which were featured in a Chicago Tribune article.
The recent protests on elite college campuses across America have seen a mix of far-left ideologies intertwining with anti-Israel sentiments, with incidents involving masked mobs, clashes with police, harassment of Jewish students, and calls for divestment from Israel.
The article discusses a recent protest by pro-Palestinian students at Columbia University's Hamilton Hall and highlights the concerns and fears of Jewish, Zionist students like the author.
At Brown University, a peaceful encampment supporting Gaza managed to keep antisemitism at bay amidst a climate of activism and dialogue.
The author argues against shutting down student protests for Palestine, emphasizing that university is a time for students to develop and express their opinions, even if they may seem misguided.
The text describes a visit to a student encampment at George Washington University, where pro-Palestinian demonstrations were taking place.
Pro-Palestinian activists set up an encampment at Binghamton University, known for its high Jewish student population, demanding divestment from Israel, a Palestine studies department, and a university statement against Islamophobia.
The article discusses the recent events at Columbia University, particularly the involvement of the NYPD to remove pro-Palestinian student protesters from campus, leading to criticism of the university's handling of the situation.
Jewish groups are advocating for more decisive action to address antisemitism at Columbia University following clashes related to a pro-Palestinian encampment.
Tensions have escalated at UCLA between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel groups, leading to violent clashes on campus.
Tensions have escalated at UCLA as pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian activism clash on campus.
The article highlights the growing concerns about rising hostility towards Jewish students on UK campuses, with a focus on recent protests emulating movements from US campuses.
Pro-Palestinian tent protests have expanded to multiple Canadian university campuses, with students demanding divestment from Israel and other related actions.
A recent incident at UNC Chapel Hill involving fraternity brothers harassed by anti-Israel protesters as they hoisted the American flag has sparked online support and nearly $400,000 in donations for the fraternity.
The writer reflects on their experiences visiting Brown University and attending a rally at Columbia University amidst tensions related to the war in Gaza.
House Republicans are intensifying oversight of universities, alleging widespread antisemitism and seeking to impact funding, tax exemptions, and visas for overseas students.
A student at Columbia University expresses distress over the toxic environment on campus following protests in support of Hamas and calls for an intifada.
Student protesters at Brown University have agreed to dismantle their encampment after securing concessions from the administration, including the opportunity to present their case for divestment from Israel to the university's investment oversight board.
The class of 2024, who already had their high school graduation affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, now face concerns about potential disruptions at their upcoming college commencements due to pro-Palestinian protests on various campuses.
A Jewish student at Trinity College Dublin highlights concerns about the exclusion of Jewish voices by the Trinity College Dublin Students Union (TCDSU) in its pro-BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) campaign, particularly in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The text discusses recent antisemitic protests on American university campuses, including incidents at Columbia University, the University of Southern California, and others.
The article highlights the normalization of antisemitism on US campuses, focusing on incidents involving Democratic politicians Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at Columbia University.
Following USC's cancellation of graduation events amidst Israel-related protests, Jewish students at the University of Southern California are feeling unsettled and scrutinizing their position on campus amid heightened tensions.
Some Jewish students at the University of Southern California (USC) are questioning their safety and place on campus after the university canceled graduation ceremonies due to anti-Israel protests.