Tag: Jewish Students

At Harvard University, Jewish students like Nitsan Machlis and Shabbos Kestenbaum have faced antisemitism and hostility, leading to feelings of being unwelcome and unsafe on campus.
UC Berkeley's police department has launched a criminal investigation into a violent protest by anti-Israel demonstrators that led to the cancellation of an event featuring an Israeli speaker, during which a glass door was shattered and Jewish students were assaulted.
Jewish students at UC Berkeley faced violence as pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted a lecture by an Israeli attorney and IDF reservist, resulting in injuries to attendees.
The Department of Education has launched an antisemitism investigation at a Maryland school district following a complaint by a conservative activist, Justin Samuels, who cited an opinion piece by two Jewish individuals affiliated with the school district.
Jewish students are facing a resurgence of anti-Semitism on university campuses, with incidents causing fear and concern for physical safety.
A recent study conducted by the Abraham Global Peace Initiative (AGPI) highlights a troubling increase in antisemitism on Canadian university campuses, particularly after Oct. 7.
Hillel International CEO Adam Lehman emphasized the importance of Jewish organizations standing firm in their support for Israel amidst rising antisemitism and demonization on college campuses.
Jeffrey Blutinger, a professor at California State University, Long Beach, recounts being evacuated by police from a lecture at San Jose State University due to a mob of anti-Israel protesters disrupting the event.
Mauricio Karchmer, a Jewish computer scientist who left MIT due to its handling of antisemitism, has accepted a teaching position at Yeshiva University in New York.
The Union of Jewish Students conducts antisemitism awareness training sessions for universities, educating staff and students about historical antisemitism, the IHRA definition of antisemitism, and examples of antisemitic incidents on campus.
Billionaire Leon Cooperman, who has donated millions to Columbia University in the past, has decided to withdraw all funding in response to the increasing trend of anti-Semitism on campus.
The text criticizes recent incidents of antisemitism on university campuses in Leeds and Birmingham, pointing out the shocking nature of the events and questioning the UK's tendency to follow America's lead.
A young Jewish student in Berlin was brutally assaulted after being heckled about his views on Israel by a fellow activist.
David Miller, a former professor at Bristol University, is criticized for producing crude antisemitic propaganda and serving the Iranian regime through Press TV.
An Employment Tribunal ruled that while David Miller's dismissal from Bristol University was unfair, it was partly caused by his own actions.
A study conducted with nearly 7,000 Jewish young adults across the United States found that antisemitism on college campuses is more prevalent now than in the past.
A group of 19 Brown University students, including Palestinian, Jewish, Black, and Native Hawaiian students, have started a hunger strike in an effort to pressure the university to divest from companies that they argue profit from human rights abuses in Gaza.
The Red Clay Consolidated School District in Delaware has reached an agreement with the U.S. Department of Education following a federal investigation into allegations of antisemitic bullying.
Tensions have arisen at the University of Haifa over the re-admittance of Arab students who were suspended for their social media posts during the Israel-Hamas war.
The article discusses the current challenges facing Jewish students in higher education, particularly in the United States.
Miguel Cardona, the Secretary of Education, has expressed his repulsion towards the normalization of antisemitism on college campuses.
Claudine Gay, the first Black woman to serve as president of Harvard, has resigned following controversy over her testimony on campus antisemitism policies.
The U.S. Department of Education has initiated a Title VI investigation into the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, George Mason University, and Newark Public Schools in response to complaints of mistreatment based on shared ancestry.
Rabbi Leo Dee, who tragically lost his wife and daughters to Palestinian terrorism, is on a mission to transform the world into a more positive and spiritual place.
Despite widespread criticism of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs on college campuses for their failure to address rising anti-Semitism, Jewish communal leaders are still committed to working within the system rather than calling for its dismantling.