Tag: Jonathan Sacks

The Behaalotecha parashah delves into the challenges faced by the Israelites in the desert, highlighting their complaints and false nostalgia despite escaping slavery in Egypt.
Dr. Miri Freud-Kandel's new book delves into the life and legacy of Rabbi Louis Jacobs, a prominent UK Jewish scholar who challenged Orthodox doctrine by asserting that the Torah was not directly dictated by God.
In this podcast conversation between Jonathan Silver and Russ Roberts, they discuss the disappointment and promise of prayer.
In this podcast episode, Jonathan Silver and Russ Roberts discuss the disappointment and promise of prayer.
The author reflects on the process of unpacking their library after moving to a new apartment.
In "A Moral Voice", Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks argues for the importance of the common good in a world dominated by individualism and identity politics.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson attempted to blow a shofar during a visit to northern England but failed to produce a sound.
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin reviews Jonathan Sacks's book, "Not in God's Name," acknowledging its exploration of religious violence but critiquing its treatment of holy texts.
Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, delves into the topic of religion and violence in his book "Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence."