Tag: Jordan

The video delves into the historical significance of the Six Day War, where Israel emerged victorious against four Arab armies in a brief timespan, leading to ongoing territorial disputes.
The recent Iranian attack on Israel has brought to light the broader strategic aim of Iran's leadership rooted in Mahdism ideology, aiming to establish a global caliphate by eliminating obstacles like Israel.
Linda Gradstein and Noah Efron discuss the recent missile and drone attack on Israel, reflecting on its implications for the past and future with the support of allies like the US, UK, and Jordan.
Jordan intercepted Iranian drones attacking Israel, signaling a rare alignment of interests between the two countries due to shared security concerns regarding Iran's attempts to destabilize Jordan.
Yael Lempert, the Jewish-American ambassador in Amman, took office with a focus on diplomacy and cultural understanding, including shared priorities of economic growth and water security in Jordan.
The podcast discusses positive economic statistics regarding job and wage growth under President Biden, speculating about the impact on his re-election chances.
President Biden and the White House have indicated that they believe Iran was at least partially responsible for the recent deadly drone attack on U.S. troops in Jordan.
This podcast features a conversation between Neri Zilber, Hesham Youssef, and Farah Bdour about the roles of Egypt and Jordan in the Israeli-Palestinian arena.
In this article, Haaretz journalist Noa Landau and Middle East analyst Aaron Magid discuss the new Israeli government's efforts to improve relations with Jordan.
Gidon Bromberg, director of EcoPeace Middle East, highlights the importance of coordinating environmental policies among Israel, Palestine, and Jordan, emphasizing the urgency of addressing shared issues like water resources and climate change even amidst conflicts.
Gidon Bromberg, the director of EcoPeace Middle East, emphasizes the importance of coordinating environmental policies and sharing vital resources between Israel, Palestine, and Jordan.
Jared Kushner is set to release the Trump administration's peace plan soon after Israel's elections on April 9th, likely involving land swaps with Egypt and Jordan.
Nimrod Novik, an Israeli expert, discusses the strained diplomatic relationship between Israel and Jordan with Eli Kowaz and Noa Shusterman.
In a podcast episode featuring Allison, Noah, and political scientist Dahlia Scheindlin from the Tel Aviv Review, three main topics were discussed: plans for an extensive train network connecting Israel with neighboring countries, an NGO's ranking of Members of Knesset based on their social consciousness, and the impact of political satire on Israeli politics during its current golden age.