Tag: Kosher Slaughter

The text discusses the controversy surrounding kosher slaughter and the recent legal challenges faced by Jewish organizations in Canada regarding new rules from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency that animal rights activists believe will end kosher animal production.
The text discusses instances of antisemitism, particularly in the context of legal rulings affecting Jewish practices in Europe.
The top rights court in Europe has upheld the bans on kosher and halal slaughter in parts of Belgium, following similar rulings by the Court of the European Union.
The mission of OU Kosher, led by Harvey Blitz, is to ensure that high-quality kosher food is available to the Jewish community.
European Union officials in Brussels held a meeting with Jewish and Muslim community leaders to discuss the issue of meat production and the bans on traditional methods of ritual slaughter practiced by Jews and Muslims.
In "Better Treyf Than Sorry," Adam Kirsch explores the Talmudic discussions in Chapter Three of Tractate Chullin regarding what renders an animal tereifa, or not kosher.
Progressive spaces, including environmentalist and LGBTQ movements, are increasingly exhibiting anti-Semitic sentiments, creating challenges for Jewish individuals engaged in social justice causes.
The text discusses the themes of sacrifice and its evolution in Jewish thought and practice, as reflected in Ruby Namdar's novel "The Ruined House" and Mira Balberg's book "Blood for Thought."