Tag: Memory Loss

In the poem "Kaddish for the Living," the author explores the experience of facing her mother's dementia with both tenderness and grief.
In this fictional story, Charlie Wineglas is taking care of his elderly parents, who are slowly losing their memory.
Fans of Taylor Swift have been experiencing amnesia after attending her Eras tour concert, with many unable to remember important details of the performance.
In the text "Live a Little," a conversation between a mother and her son unravels, revealing a complex relationship.
The text explores the concept of Elijah's elusive fifth cup in the Passover Seder, which challenges traditional structures and highlights the tension between preserving the past and embracing the future.
The author reflects on their grandmother's battle with Alzheimer's Disease and the challenges of incorporating Jewish practices into her life as the dementia progressed.
Saul Friedländer's memoirs, "When Memory Comes" and "Where Memory Leads," delve into his experience as a Holocaust survivor and his struggles with memory, identity, and trauma.
The author reflects on the two Passover tales told in their home: the traditional Exodus from Egypt and their family's personal story of escape from Velizh, a town in Stalin's Soviet Union.