Tag: Michael Oren

Residents of northern Israel, facing ongoing threats and instability from Hezbollah in Lebanon, visited Washington, D.C. to highlight their displacement and the looming danger on Israel's northern border.
Rep. Ritchie Torres criticized a secret Israeli government campaign aimed at influencing Black Democratic U.S. lawmakers, calling it embarrassing and racist.
The video discusses the topic of Israel's dependency on financial aid from the US, with Michael Oren sharing insights on potentially reshaping the relationship between the two countries.
Former Ambassador Michael Oren discusses the ongoing threat posed by Hezbollah to Israel's northern border and the country as a whole, highlighting the current challenges and opportunities faced by Israel.
Ambassador Michael Oren offers insight into US-Israel diplomacy, exploring the implications of the US administration's decision to suspend weapons delivery to Israel and questioning the nature of the US-Israel alliance and Israel's strategic dependence on Washington.
Michael Oren discusses concerns about the strength of the alliance between the United States and Israel under the Biden administration.
Israel is facing challenges in its public relations efforts, with experts pointing to a lack of coordinated messaging and strategy as a major issue.
Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, highlights a shift in the relationship between Israel and the Biden administration since the Gaza conflict, attributing changes to political considerations, particularly concerning the Arab American and Muslim vote in Michigan.
This text discusses the difficult situation faced by Israel during the war in Gaza.
This episode of the podcast "Unorthodox" features interviews with two guests.
Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States, found himself embroiled in controversy over a reported incident involving a Christmas ham, showcasing the complexities of his diplomatic role.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Michael Oren's controversial essays, the UN report on war crimes during the Gaza conflict, and the potential leadership shift in the Israeli left involving Ron Huldai challenging Yitzhak Herzog.
Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to Washington, has sparked controversy by accusing Barack Obama of undermining the U.S.-Israel alliance and speculating about Obama's motives based on his background.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the campaign to have ultra-Orthodox women run in upcoming elections, potentially signaling shifts within the community.
Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. and a historian, draws parallels between the current state of affairs in Israel and critical moments in history, likening the situation to May 1967 or May 1948 due to a multitude of threats including Iran's nuclear ambitions, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and the civil war in Syria.
President Obama hosted a reception for Jewish American Heritage Month where Jewish figures like Sandy Koufax and Elena Kagan attended.