Tag: Oslo Accords

Political scientist Diana B. Greenwald discusses Palestinian local governance under Israeli occupation, showcasing how even at the local level, Palestinian leaders must navigate Israeli control while trying to serve their communities.
The Future of Jewish newsletter delves into the complex nature of Hamas, highlighting not only its genocidal and antisemitic tendencies but also shedding light on its underlying structure as a lucrative business entity fueled by corruption and terrorism.
The essay argues that the common narrative placing blame on Israel for the lack of peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is flawed.
The discussion in "A Tragedy is Unfolding in Gaza" acknowledges the destruction and suffering in Gaza resulting from Israeli responses to terror attacks.
The text discusses the concept of peace and its complexities in the Jewish and global context.
In the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, the author argues that Hamas is not working towards a Palestinian state or justice, but rather aims to thwart peace by provoking Israel and perpetuating conflict.
A brief overview of the modern history of Gaza, covering major events like the 1948 War of Independence, the 1967 6-Day War, the Oslo Accords, the Disengagement in 2005, and Hamas' rule over the region.
In these Letters to the Editor, various perspectives are shared regarding the link between Jews and Israel, with Steven Fogel highlighting the DNA evidence connecting contemporary Jews to the Levant.
The YouTube video explores the slogan "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" by delving into its historical roots, geographical significance, implications for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and current interpretations.
The article discusses the persistence of the two-state solution as the preferred resolution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, despite its numerous challenges.
The Wall Street Journal has reported that the United States, Egypt, and Qatar are proposing a comprehensive plan to end the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
The text discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and suggests that the ultimate enemy in this conflict is the ego, as both Israelis and Palestinians have their own narratives and grievances.
According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, there are approximately 187,900 Christians living in Israel, comprising 1.9 percent of the population.
Amira Mohammed and Ibrahim Abu Ahmad, two Palestinian Israeli peace activists, host the popular podcast Unapologetic: The Third Narrative.
Israel and the United States agree that the Israel-Hamas war began with the Oct. 7 massacre, and they both believe that Hamas should be removed from power in the Gaza Strip.
This opinion piece discusses the need to attach conditions to the generous military aid that the United States provides to Israel, particularly in relation to curbing Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
Israeli security forces successfully stopped a terrorist attack in Hebron when a Palestinian drove a tractor through a military barrier towards the local Jewish community.
As the 30th anniversary of the Oslo Accords approaches, a recently declassified transcript of a cabinet meeting reveals the doubts of the accords' architects regarding the trustworthiness of Yasser Arafat and other Palestinian Arab leaders.
As the 30th anniversary of the Oslo Accords approaches, Ambassador Martin S. Indyk and host Neri Zilber reflect on the historic agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.
Ambassador Martin S. Indyk and Neri Zilber discuss the Oslo Accords on its 30th anniversary.
Scholar Jennifer Lynn Kelly explores the political potential of Palestinian solidarity tourism in her book, "Invited to Witness."
Israel is currently in a state of political crisis, with a broken political system and repeated elections causing chaos.
"Oslo," the Tony-winning play chronicling the secret negotiations that led to the Oslo Accords in 1993, has been adapted into an HBO film.
"The Human Factor," a documentary by Israeli filmmaker Dror Moreh, explores the near success and subsequent disintegration of the peace process between Israel and Palestine.
The author, a former Human Rights Watch researcher, reflects on his initial skepticism about applying the term "apartheid" to the Israeli-Palestinian context but now acknowledges that Israeli officials are committing the crimes of apartheid and persecution.