Tag: Palestinian Statehood

A group of rabbis, including Rebecca Alpert, met with the UN Secretary General to support the call for a ceasefire in Gaza and criticized Israel's actions.
The article challenges the notion that Palestinians don't deserve peace because of past events, arguing that ignoring Palestinian history and suffering does not contribute to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Hamas's brutal terrorist attack on October 7 has paradoxically garnered significant support for the Palestinian cause, particularly among top Democratic policymakers and the Western world, leading to a push for Palestinian statehood and increased demonization of Israel.
A recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center reveals that most Americans, including almost 90% of American Jews, believe that antisemitism has increased since October 7.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing criticism from US Democratic leaders, including President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Senator Chuck Schumer, for his handling of the conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
Senator Chuck Schumer has delivered a landmark speech calling for new elections in Israel, criticizing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for losing his way and hindering the country's progress with an outdated vision.
The article discusses the concept of "the day after" in Israeli politics, focusing on the ongoing debate regarding the possibility of a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine, even as conflict continues.
"Future of Jewish" is a newsletter discussing various Jewish and Israel-related topics.
Jewish Democratic organizations, like Democratic Majority for Israel and J Street, are strategizing to ensure President Biden's reelection by rallying support from pro-Israel Democrats.
Nimrod Novik, a senior policy adviser and former Israeli security veteran, remains committed to a two-state solution despite the prevailing skepticism and opposition within Israeli society and government.
The author argues against the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine, claiming that it is a step towards another Lebanon and would doom the Zionist project.
The author reflects on their visits to Gaza, highlighting the contrasting realities of wealth and poverty in the region.
President Joe Biden has imposed strict sanctions on four Israeli settlers for their alleged violence against Palestinians and Israeli peace activists.
According to an article in Future of Jewish, there may be several reasons why President Joe Biden is pro-Palestinian.
After recent events, including hostages held by Hamas and the IDF's activities in Gaza, there is increased support among Israelis for a potential U.S.-brokered regional deal leading to a two-state solution with the Palestinians.
The author argues against the idea of a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, highlighting the rejection of the 1947 UN Partition Plan by the Arabs and their subsequent wars against Israel.
The article discusses the two-state solution and argues against its feasibility and support.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that Israel has no intention of permanently occupying or displacing Palestinians in Gaza.
In this article, the authors argue against the idea of a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In this article, the author argues that while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that Hamas poses an existential threat to Israel, this notion is unfounded.
The author discusses the failure of feminist movements to address the brutal assault on Israeli women and girls by Hamas during the recent conflict in Israel and Gaza.
In the memoir "We Could Have Been Friends, My Father and I," Raja Shehadeh explores the complex relationship he had with his father, Aziz Shehadeh, a prominent Palestinian lawyer.
The author, Yousef Bashir, writes about the dire situation in Gaza and expresses concern for his family who are trapped there.
Dr. Seth Anziska, known for his work in Jewish-Muslim relations, delves into the genealogy of unachieved Palestinian statehood in his book "Preventing Palestine: A Political History from Camp David to Oslo."
In a discussion between Allison, Don, and Noah, several topics are touched upon, including the contrasting views of Israeli MKs Zahava Gal-On and Hilik Bar on Palestinian statehood, the controversy surrounding the Olim leBerlin Facebook group and the high cost of groceries in Israel, and the 1990 Israeli plan to invade the USSR to save Russian Jews.