Tag: Police

In Rouen, France, a man who set fire to a synagogue was shot and killed by police after rushing them with a knife.
The author criticizes mainstream media for biased reporting on clashes between police and pro-Palestinian demonstrators at UCLA, portraying the police negatively and overlooking protester law-breaking.
In a tense standoff, law enforcement dismantled a pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA after a prolonged confrontation with protesters.
Gitti Allman, an administrative liaison at a girls yeshivah and cake decorator, decided to donate her kidney to Anthony Sonny Silver, a police officer who had been undergoing dialysis treatments and needed a kidney transplant.
The author reflects on the challenging times in the Middle East but emphasizes the importance of creating joy for both Arab and Jewish citizens.
The text explores the complexities surrounding an arrest-related shooting involving a black suspect and black police officers, which has drawn the attention of racial activists.
The author, Tyler Samuels, discusses the debate around increased security measures and armed guards at synagogues in the wake of antisemitic attacks.