Tag: Political Change

The text discusses the prevailing slogan in Israel during the military campaign, "Yachad nenatzeach," emphasizing unity and the need to win the war.
The text discusses a tumultuous day with various political events, including Trump being indicted, arrested, arraigned, and giving a speech, along with progressive victories in Chicago and Wisconsin's State Supreme Court.
The article reflects on the author's experience of working with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in a movie, highlighting his rise from a comedian to the country's president.
The recent elections in Virginia, New Jersey, Long Island, Buffalo, and Minneapolis have resulted in surprising outcomes, signaling a significant shift in the political landscape.
The podcast discusses the significance of the recent Democratic victories in Georgia, highlighting how the Republicans had control of the House, Senate, and White House four years ago but have now lost this power to the Democrats.
Democratic voters in Missouri recently ousted a longtime incumbent from federal office, reflecting a trend indicating an ideological shift within the Democratic Party driven from grassroots levels.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss significant topics such as the relevance of election campaigns, the resignation of MK Dov Khenin to seek political change outside the Knesset, and a Supreme Court appeal against the Nation-State Law for its impact on Mizrahi Jews.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss key topics including the significance of election campaigns, MK Dov Khenin's resignation for political change outside the Knesset, and a Supreme Court appeal against the Nation-State Law claiming discrimination against Mizrahi Jews.
Dr. Yifat Gutman, a senior lecturer at Ben-Gurion University, explores memory activism in her book about reshaping the past for a better future in Israel and Palestine.
Allison, Don & Noah explore significant topics including the government allocating 130 million shekels to resettle 42 settler families from an illegal outpost, the entry of businessmen into Israeli politics on the left claiming they can clean up Jerusalem, and debating the effectiveness of a new NGO app for public transportation in driving political change.
The anthology "Everyday Jewish Life in Imperial Russia" offers glimpses into the diverse experiences of Russian Jews before the revolution.