Tag: Political Discussion

In a discussion about the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and internal conflicts within Israel, Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi analyze Netanyahu's leadership and urge the Israeli public to demand better from him.
A video providing educational insights on navigating discussions around criticizing Israel and antisemitism while discussing the boundaries for respectful dialogue on Israel and Gaza.
Noah Rothman joins the original hosts of the Commentary podcast for a special episode filled with concerns about the situation in Ukraine, worries about the administrations of both Biden and Trump, and a general sense of gloom about current events.
This podcast episode explores listener questions regarding good writing about the Left, the comparison between today's progressives and the original Progressives from the early 20th century, and the topic of outer-space aliens.
The text mentions that Trump has been indicted and invites readers to listen to a discussion about it.
In a recent podcast, it is noted that President Joe Biden expressed satisfaction in provoking Republicans to yell at him during the State of the Union address, with supporters indicating that this strategy may be used to win in the 2024 election.
The text discusses a podcast focusing on a recent historic Supreme Court decision regarding guns and how it could impact the American political system.
In a podcast episode, the discussion touches on the early stages of the Ukraine war and evaluates the situation for Russia.
In a podcast discussion, the crew questions the Democratic party's portrayal of the failure of significant spending bills as a political victory.
The text briefly mentions Naftali Bennett without providing specific details or insights about his identity or background.
In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the imminent departure of Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been the prime minister of Israel for twelve consecutive years.
In this text, the gang discusses their frustration with the class-based COVID response, with some being more committed than others, as well as Joe Biden's transformative agenda that he did not run on and that no one voted for.
The podcast discusses whether Bernie Sanders could have been as left-wing as Joe Biden as president and questions the dynamic of liberals creating culture wars and then dismissing conservative reactions.
The Commentary podcast discusses the potential risks in the new stimulus package, highlighting Ben Sasse's criticism of Republicans in his state.
In this episode, Evan Gottesman, Eli Kowaz, and Shanie Reichman discuss the possibility of another round of Israeli elections and the potential outcomes for different political parties.
In this episode, host Eli Kowaz speaks with Israel Fellow Nimrod Novik about the influential Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat.
The podcast discusses the perceived hypocrisy of individuals who are criticizing Trump's claims of voter fraud, despite previously alleging Russian interference in elections and disputing results themselves, such as suggesting Stacey Abrams won in Georgia despite losing by a significant margin.
In a podcast episode titled "Sleep No More! Election Doth Murder Sleep!" the speakers, clearly affected by the recent election, discuss the outcomes, ongoing events, and the unreliability of pollsters.
The podcast explores the idea that Americans have historically been enamored with conspiracy theories and asks whether this is a long-standing phenomenon.
In this podcast episode, Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz discuss the potential internal challenge within the centrist Yesh Atid party.
The COMMENTARY podcast examines the resurgence of radical chic within the liberal intelligentsia, exploring the conflict between those favoring gradual reform and revolutionary activists.
The discussion revolves around Joe Biden's dilemma in choosing a running mate who must be young, experienced, and possess the right demographic mix.
Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz delve into the prospect of a fourth Israeli Knesset election happening within a year, amidst the challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Stav Shaffir, a former Member of Knesset and leader of the Green Movement, discusses the collapse of the Labor Party and strategies for rebuilding the Israeli left with hosts Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz on a podcast.
In the podcast episode, Evan Gottesman, Eli Kowaz, and Margaux Nijkerk talk about the deadline drama surrounding party registrations for the upcoming March election.