Tag: Political Extremism

The text discusses the historical connection between Jews and America through the "Jewish Contract with America," highlighting key aspects such as the absence of state-sponsored antisemitism, acceptance of Judaism alongside other religions, freedom from religious tests for public office, strong US-Israel relationship, and the ability for Jews to actively engage in public life.
Robert Kagan's article in Foreign Affairs raised concerns about the resurgence of far-right nationalism in Germany, attributing it in part to the weakening of American influence under Donald Trump.
Anti-Semitism is on the rise in Seattle, with weekly rallies and marches calling for the dissolution of Israel and aligning with the Palestinian cause.
The article discusses the importance and impact of the Abrahamic tradition, which includes Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, on American culture and politics.
In a recent podcast, the discussion highlighted how extremists on the Left pose a challenge for Joe Biden in addressing crime issues, while individuals like Tucker Carlson are complicating matters for the GOP by downplaying the events of January 6, making it difficult to attract independent voters.
Democratic strategist James Carville and Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez joined a discussion at AJC Global Forum 2022 on the state of U.S. politics today.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss two important topics.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the potential formation of a government without extremists led by Prime Minister Yair Lapid in Israel.
In this episode of People of the Pod from AJC Global Forum 2022, the interplay between progressive groups and American Jews is examined.
The article discusses the "Palestinian vaccine fiasco," highlighting how a deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority to transfer Pfizer vaccines to the Palestinians was abruptly canceled due to negative social media backlash.
The article argues that Joe Biden should have a "Kshama Sawant Moment" similar to Bill Clinton's denunciation of Sister Souljah in 1992.
The AJC Passport podcast discusses the repercussions of Jamal Khashoggi's murder, with insights from Hady Amr, a former State Department diplomat, and Deidre Berger of AJC Berlin Ramer Institute, focusing on German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to Israel and the growing political extremism in Germany.