Tag: Prayers

A detailed explanation of the Jewish tradition of Shabbat, including its significance, practices, and rituals.
Many synagogues have adjusted their services after October 7th in response to the conflict in Israel by adding prayers like Avinu Malkeinu and select chapters of Tehillim to express solidarity, hope for hostages' safe return, and peace.
The article discusses the story of Uriel Baruch, an Israeli hostage in the Gaza Strip, as his family celebrates Hanukkah.
In episode 384 of Unorthodox, the focus is on welcoming Shabbat after a challenging week.
The author shares a personal story of experiencing the power of chesed (acts of kindness) during a difficult time when her daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
The writer reflects on their experience during Rosh Hashanah in 2020 and contemplates the role of kingship and the complicity of the people in the decisions of their ruler.
Orthodox social media groups are spreading prayers for the complete recovery of President Donald Trump, who recently announced testing positive for COVID-19.