Tag: Pro Israel Activists

As campus protests concerning Israel and Palestine escalate, President Joe Biden finds himself torn between protecting free speech and countering antisemitism.
The text discusses how some non-Jewish individuals have become vital voices speaking out for Israel amid international criticism.
Benjamin Harouni, a Jewish dentist in San Diego, was tragically killed, and his brother believes it was a hate crime fueled by antisemitism.
The NYPD is investigating an incident at Columbia University in which pro-Palestinian protesters claimed that pro-Israel activists sprayed them with a chemical agent during a demonstration.
Pro-Israel activists in Portland are troubled by the congressional candidacy of Susheela Jayapal, sister of Rep. Pramila Jayapal, known for her criticism of Israel.
In the Democratic primary for Houston's 7th Congressional District, a far-left challenger, Pervez Agwan, is seeking to unseat moderate incumbent Rep. Lizzie Fletcher.