Tag: Punishment

Exploring the consequences for bullies in the afterlife and discussing the ethical treatment of supernatural bears in this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole.
Some political figures are calling for punitive actions against Columbia University due to perceived antisemitism, such as cutting off federal funding, which could harm many Jewish students who rely on financial aid.
In this podcast discussion of an article from The Federalist, it is suggested that the New Right should avoid identifying as conservative due to conflicting views on the use of state power.
In a recent podcast episode, the discussion covers the repercussions faced by a Washington Post reporter for retweeting a controversial joke, highlighting implications for journalism, the newspaper, and American society.
Repentance is a powerful concept in Judaism, but it can be difficult to understand how it brings about change.
The author explores the idea of blaming oneself for misfortune, specifically in the context of Jewish history and the book of Lamentations.
Literary critic Adam Kirsch delves into Tractate Makkot of the Talmud, exploring the punishment of conspiring witnesses, who give false testimony to cheat others.
The Midrash uses Adam's sin as a cautionary tale to illustrate the severity of sin, comparing his punishment to that of Cain's for murder.
The text is a humorous and satirical plea to God from individuals lamenting about the challenges and frustrations of dealing with difficult mothers and the complexities of mother-child relationships.