Tag: Rabbinic Interpretation

Exploring the concept of heresy and theological questions surrounding G-d in the context of Parshah Ki Sisa.
This article discusses the complex relationship between Sigmund Freud and his Jewish identity.
The article discusses the story of the Golden Calf and its connection to a Talmudic passage about Moses and Rabbi Akiba.
This podcast discusses the question of who wrote the Torah and the implications of the answer.
In the article "Cantillation: Some Observations Part 1" by William Gewirtz, the author discusses the importance of trop - the traditional chanting of the Hebrew Bible.
In the text "Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins)" by Matt Lubin, the focus is on the Korban Asham (guilt offering) as described in the opening chapters of Vayikra.