Tag: Rabbinic Leaders

The statement by the American Agudah's Moetzes expressing the Charedi position on military service exemption for yeshiva students in Israel has sparked controversy and raised questions.
Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin responds to an article in Mishpacha Magazine discussing the charedi avoidance of army service, critiquing the interview with Rav Yitzchok Berkovits of Aish HaTorah.
The text discusses the concept of Daas Torah in the Charedi world and the tension it creates with other Jewish religious segments regarding issues like army service.
The author discusses the idea of a national emergency in Israel and its implications for charitable giving and support of Torah institutions.
Stephen Klein, a Jewish refugee who fled Austria during the Nazi regime, demonstrated that economic success in America does not preclude Torah observance.
The author discusses the idea of streamlining High Holidays services in American Modern Orthodox congregations.