Tag: Rachel

Vicki Belovski shares her recent experiences surrounding her daughter's wedding, discussing the blessings given before the chupah, the significance of being like the biblical matriarchs, and the joy of separate dancing at weddings.
Rachel is a popular name in the Jewish community, and January 4 is celebrated as National Rachel Day.
Parashat Vayetze explores the significance of the mandrake in Torah, a plant with potential magical and aphrodisiac properties.
The article reflects on the author's personal experience of infertility and how it relates to the biblical stories of Rachel, Rebecca, and Sarah.
The article discusses the role of clothing in the Joseph narrative in the Book of Genesis.
The text explores the dynamic between Jacob and Laban, focusing on Laban's portrayal in the Passover Haggadah.
The Torah portion focusing on Rachel and Leah's rivalry and their roles in building the House of Israel is explored in relation to the biblical narratives of Jacob, Leah, Rachel, Ruth, and Naomi.
The text discusses the relationship between Yaakov and Lavan as depicted in Parashat Vayeitzei.
The text "Rupture and Revelation" by Ayelet Wenger navigates themes of Jewish identity, faith, and scholarship through personal anecdotes and philosophical musings.