Tag: Religious Education

Hebrew Union College's decision to admit and ordain students in interfaith relationships marks a significant shift in American Judaism, acknowledging the reality of the community it serves.
A recent Ofsted review highlighted significant shortcomings in religious education (RE) in schools across England and Wales, with many schools failing to meet the requirements for teaching RE effectively.
In Shiur 469, the discussion focuses on the challenges of learning Torah when facing various obstacles, such as life stresses, distractions, or military service.
Exploring the eerie realm of Azazel and demons in Parshah Acharei, the 29th episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole delves into mysterious goat-like entities with a warning of the content's potential scariness.
The author reflects on their Jewish upbringing and the impact of a conflict between their passion for baseball and the requirement to attend Confirmation class in high school, showing lingering resentment towards their parents for forcing them to leave baseball practices for class.
Israel recently faced a significant change when the Attorney General ruled that yeshivah students are now subject to IDF drafting, with potential consequences such as slashed budgets for yeshivos due to the loss of state funding for students designated for security service.
A video showcasing a kid and family-friendly Passover Haggadah for young families to enjoy during the Passover Seder.
The text criticizes the elitism and insularity present in certain sectors of Orthodox Jewry, focusing on the issue within post-high school seminaries for girls in Israel.
The National Jewish Identity Survey conducted in the UK reveals a varied landscape of Jewish practice and beliefs, with only a third of UK Jews adhering strictly to the biblical description of God.
The author shares their first experience celebrating Tu Bishvat, the Jewish holiday known as the Festival of Trees, with their husband's Iraqi Jewish family in Israel.
For a Jewish woman married to a Muslim man wondering how to raise their son, an Orthodox perspective underscores the importance of following Jewish teachings and nurturing the child's Jewish identity based on their Jewish mother, while a Progressive view suggests a flexible approach that separates religious status, identity, and education to allow the child to feel at home in both faiths.
Meir Spitz, a 15-year-old boy, discovers that he owns a house, 14 Lincoln Drive, which was bought by his grandparents after his father passed away.
Ofsted has approved the establishment of Beis Chinuch Lebonos Westcliff, the first Chasidic girls primary school in Southend, catering to girls aged three to 11 from the local Chasidic community.
The author reflects on the discrimination faced by Orthodox Jews in New York City.
In this podcast, the discussion revolves around the Messianic era and the changes it will bring to the Jewish people and the world.
In this personal essay, the author recounts their experience working as a psychologist for intellectually and emotionally challenged Hasidic children in a Hasidic elementary school in Brooklyn.
The topic of loyalty is explored in this text, highlighting the confusion and ambiguity surrounding loyalty in various situations and relationships.
The article discusses the role of sex education in public schools and the usual focus on abstinence-only curricula.
The Bahai religion, founded in the mid-19th century, focuses on the unity of all humanity and the belief that all religions come from one God.
In TanakhCast #238, the discussion focuses on the four chapters of the Tanakh, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, which are explored in each episode of the podcast.
The article discusses the debate around the separation of church and state in the United States and its implications for religious education.
The concept of Torah u-Madda, the integration of Torah and secular studies, has been discussed in the Modern Orthodox community for many years.
The symposium on "Torah u-Madda" explores how Torah and secular studies can enrich each other in the Modern Orthodox community.
The article discusses the need for passionate engagement in Judaism and Jewish life, noting the challenges of assimilation and disinterest among young Jews.
The Talmud Yerushalmi, also known as the Jerusalem Talmud, has long been overlooked and inaccessible to many.