Tag: Religious Extremism

Steve Bannon, a key figure in former President Trump's 2016 campaign, recently advocated for American Jews to align with Christian nationalists for the sake of Israel and Jewish prosperity in the U.S. However, critics caution against this alliance, pointing out Christian nationalists' belief in dominating various aspects of American life and their historical antisemitism.
In 1858, in Bologna, Italy, a six-year-old Jewish boy, Edgardo Mortara, was taken by the Catholic Church after being baptized by the family maid.
The text discusses the concept of shared humanity in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and broader issues related to Islam and Western liberal democracies.
The author reflects on the concept of being a "closet centrist" within the Charedi community, citing a recent column by Jonathan Rosenblum in Mishpacha magazine as an example.
The author expresses their struggle with tolerance towards fellow Jews whose religious views differ.
Elnathan John's novel "Born on a Tuesday" delves into the complexities of religious extremism through the story of Dantala, a young Muslim man in northern Nigeria navigating the rise of jihadism.