Tag: Religious Freedom

The article discusses the recent Supreme Court decision regarding emergency abortions in Idaho, highlighting the ongoing challenges related to reproductive rights and justice.
The ongoing debate regarding the role of religion in a nation founded on principles of religious freedom is reviewed by Rabbi Chaim Twerski.
A Missouri judge upheld the state's abortion ban, dismissing a lawsuit by a group of 14 interfaith clergy, including rabbis, who argued the ban violated religious freedom.
In Disney's "Wish," the protagonist Asha is not explicitly identified as Jewish, but the character is Jewish-coded through her interactions, including using Hebrew terms like "Saba" for grandfather and greeting others with "Shalom."
In a discussion on antisemitism in America and Europe, the writer notes that while there are pockets of antisemitism on both fringes of society in America, it is not mainstream, with most Americans focused on other issues like inflation.
Rabbi Michael Broyde responds to discussions on anti-Zionism, anti-Israel sentiment, and antisemitism, highlighting the complexities surrounding these issues in American and global contexts.
Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Kolakowski, known as the Koblentzer Rebbe, serves as a chaplain at a state prison in Pennsylvania, being the first Jew to hold this position in the state.
The text discusses former President Trump's comments suggesting that Jewish individuals who vote for Democrats hate their religion and Israel.
Charedi protesters in Westminster opposed a proposal for local authorities to register yeshivah students, fearing it could lead to state scrutiny of their education.
The text discusses the controversy surrounding kosher slaughter and the recent legal challenges faced by Jewish organizations in Canada regarding new rules from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency that animal rights activists believe will end kosher animal production.
A U.S. government delegation monitoring religious freedom left Saudi Arabia early when a Saudi request for Rabbi Abraham Cooper to remove his kippah was refused.
The text discusses instances of antisemitism, particularly in the context of legal rulings affecting Jewish practices in Europe.
The author discusses how the concept of Islamophobia is being exploited by Islamists to stifle debate and criticism of Islam and its extremist elements under the guise of combating racism.
In a prayer composed 240 years ago by Hendla Jochanan van Oettingen of New York’s Congregation Shearith Israel, he prayed for George Washington shortly after the Revolutionary War.
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association warns against banning anti-Israel protests despite rising concerns about intimidation and harassment of Canadian Jews.
The author shares a personal experience of his synagogue moving their Shabbat mincha service to an undisclosed location out of fear of a nearby protest turning violent.
Approximately 20,000 people, mainly from Canada's Jewish community, gathered in Ottawa for a rally on Dec. 4 to express support for Israel, call for the release of hostages held by Hamas, and combat antisemitism.
The township of Jackson in New Jersey has agreed to pay $575,000 in a settlement with the state attorney general to resolve a lawsuit alleging that local ordinances were used to discriminate against Orthodox Jews.
President Yitzchak Herzog is hopeful about mediating between the different factions in Israeli society.
The author reflects on the discrimination faced by Orthodox Jews in New York City.
President Joe Biden expressed his concerns about the extreme elements of Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet in a recent interview with CNN.
West Orange Bake Shop, an Orthodox Jewish bakery in New Jersey, faced backlash and boycotts after refusing to fulfill an order for rainbow pastries for Pride month.
US President Joe Biden's warm reception of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his recent state visit has drawn criticism from human rights advocates.
This article discusses the issue of religious discrimination in the workplace, specifically focusing on the question of whether employers can force employees to work on their Sabbath.
Isaac Amon, a lawyer and participant in JIMENA's Sephardic Leaders Fellowship, discusses the importance of religious freedom and how the Founding Fathers of the United States were influenced by the Enlightenment era.