Tag: Rule Of Law

Despite ongoing polling following the Trump verdict, there seems to be little impact on the political landscape.
In light of Donald Trump's felony conviction, Jewish supporters face a moral dilemma regarding prioritizing support for Israel over the rule of law and American democracy.
The author argues that our support for Israel is just as important as our support for Ukraine, especially in the face of terrorist attacks by Hamas.
Constitutional expert Prof. Yaniv Roznai attended a historic hearing at Israel's supreme court regarding the first judicial overhaul law passed by the Netanyahu government.
In this article, Rabbi Jay Michaelson reflects on the current political situation in the United States and its implications from a Jewish perspective.
Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute, discusses the challenges facing Israeli democracy as the government pushes for legislation to weaken the judicial branch.
The article discusses the question of when leaders should break the law in times of emergencies.
Eli Lake, a Bloomberg View columnist, discusses his article in COMMENTARY on the case of Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security advisor, who was allegedly targeted and pressured by the Justice Department.
The discussion on why American Jews tend to lean towards liberalism touches on various perspectives.