Tag: Self Esteem

In a symposium on modesty in the modern age, Rabbi Reuven Brand emphasizes the importance of tzenius for meaningful lives in today's society.
Tzenius, often translated as modesty, holds a deeper meaning revolving around an inner focus on spirituality and self-worth.
A mother reflects on her daily tasks and responsibilities, feeling inadequate compared to what she perceives as more significant contributions to the world.
Green Bean publisher Michael Leventhal has released what could be the first Jewish children's book in braille featuring a blind protagonist, "This is My Shabbat," aiming to promote diversity and inclusion.
The text includes several letters from readers in a Jewish publication.
Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski, a renowned psychiatrist and scion of several rabbinic lines, found a unique connection with Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts comic strip, using it to convey important messages about self-esteem and life lessons.