Tag: Sukkot

Sukkot, a holiday celebrating the harvest, involves meals in temporary shelters, symbolizing the ancestors' desert dwellings.
On an intermediate day of Sukkot, thousands of Orthodox Jews visit Hershey Park for a festive event combining amusement park rides, Jewish entertainment, and fundraising for various Jewish organizations.
The mitzvah of the Arba Minim (the Four Species) during Sukkot involves holding the lulav, hadasim, and aravot together in one hand and the etrog separately.
The Talmudic text explores the nostalgia and celebration surrounding the temple practices, specifically focusing on the Ceremony of the Drawing of the Water during Sukkot, showcasing acrobatics and celebrations by prominent figures like Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience as a single woman during Sukkot, a holiday typically focused on family and harvest.
"The Jewish Annotated New Testament" discusses the Jewish roots of the New Testament and the historical context of its texts, highlighting the commonalities between Judaism and Christianity in the late Second Temple period.
The text discusses a tradition where pregnant women would bite off the tip of the etrog after Sukkot in a symbolic act tied to childbirth pains, stemming from the Tsena-Urena, a Yiddish biblical commentary popular among women in early modern Ashkenazic communities.
Shemini Atzeret, following Sukkot, marks the beginning of praying for rain, while Simchat Torah celebrates the conclusion and restarting of the Torah reading cycle with joyous festivities.
Sukkot, a holiday marking the pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem, is celebrated by building temporary dwellings called sukkahs where meals are eaten and slept in.
Eileen Goltz presents simple and delicious Sukkot recipes to enjoy during the holiday festivities.
The article discusses the significance of the Sukkah in Jewish tradition, drawing on the writings of Gershon Henoch of Radzin.
Sukkot holds a unique place among Jewish holidays, embodying a double identity that reflects both repentance and growth.