Tag: Sukkot

David Olivestone, a resident of Jerusalem, reflects on life in Israel during a period of war, highlighting the delicate balance between maintaining normalcy and being surrounded by reminders of conflict.
In "Kohelet: A Map to EdenAn Intertextual Journey" by David Curwin, the author presents an insightful analysis of the Book of Kohelet, known for its enigmatic and contemplative nature.
Italian Jewish cuisine often includes risotto as a traditional dish, particularly in regions like Piedmont and Lombardy.
This article discusses the history and significance of pumpkins in Jewish culinary traditions.
In this personal reflection, the author describes their experiences and emotions during the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.
This article discusses the contrasting experiences of two wars: the Yom Kippur War in Israel in 1973 and World War I.
The article discusses the unity and resilience of Israeli citizens in the face of the recent conflict with Hamas.
The author reflects on the recent Hamas invasion of southern Israel and its impact on the Israeli people.
In this personal reflection, the author, who left the Orthodox Hasidic community three years ago, expresses their longing and nostalgia for the sense of community and belonging they experienced during Sukkot in Crown Heights, the heart of the Chabad movement.
The New York Coliseum, built by Robert Moses in 1956, was demolished in 1999 after standing for fewer years than its namesake in Rome.
This text appears to be a disclaimer regarding republishing an article from the Forward, a Jewish media publication.
The article discusses the concept of climate anxiety and its similarity to religious expressions of fear and repentance.
In this article, the author explores the difference in price between a $40 etrog and a $100 etrog, both of which are sold by young vendors in the Orthodox neighborhood of Pico-Robertson in Los Angeles.
Sukkot is described as a cherished Jewish holiday, distinct from others due to its emphasis on joy, nature, and earth-based rituals.
On Unorthodox's Under the Stars: Ep.
The Sukkah Boys, founded by Billy Klein and Zuzz Rapp in Melbourne, Australia, is a service that builds and fixes sukkahs.
This article discusses a vegetable stew for couscous recipe that is perfect for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.
Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker, who experienced being held hostage in a Texas synagogue, urges diaspora Jews to stand in solidarity with Israelis who are protesting threats to their democracy.
The Museum at Eldridge Street is currently displaying an exhibition called A Collage of Customs: Iconic Jewish Woodcuts Revised for the Twenty-First Century.
The article discusses two films, "Where Life Begins" and "A Life Apart," that offer portrayals of Hasidic life.
The Best Jewish Children's Books of 2022 feature a diverse collection of themes and settings.
The hosts of the Bonjour Chai podcast celebrated Sukkot and delved into the issue of affordable housing in the Jewish community, especially considering the rising rent costs in Canada, particularly in Vancouver and Toronto where many Jews reside.
This text is not reliable for summarizing, as it does not contain any meaningful information related to Sukkot or Jewish media.
This article discusses the Jewish holiday of Sukkot and the author's experience celebrating it.
The essay explores the theme of existentialism and nihilism in Jewish liturgy, particularly in the context of Yom Kippur.