Tag: Synagogue Attendance

Following the events of Oct. 7 and the Israel-Gaza war, there has been a notable shift in the Jewish professional workforce, with an increasing number of talented individuals from outside the Jewish communal space showing interest in joining Jewish organizations like the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America.
Rabbi Jacob Kohn and other Jewish leaders in the early to mid-20th century expressed concerns about absent fathers in synagogues and their lack of involvement in Jewish family life.
The author, reflecting on their role supporting overlooked demographics in Jewish communal life, emphasizes the need to strengthen and prioritize support for the Jewish mainstream, especially in light of recent events like increased antisemitism and threats to Israel.
The recent terrorist attack on Oct. 7 has reminded the Jewish community of the fragility of Jewish life, leading to an increase in antisemitism and hate crimes.
The article "A Good Rabbi is Hard to Find" discusses the evolving role of rabbis in response to changing communal needs and declining synagogue attendance.
In Johannesburg, South Africa, a new eruv construction sparked opposition due to security concerns, reflecting the unique challenges faced by the Jewish community in a country with a history of high crime rates.