Tag: Torah Studies

Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin suggests that Modern Orthodoxy (MO) in America may need to embrace Kabbalah and Chassidus to survive; contrasting MO's less stringent observance with the Charedi community's dedication to Halacha and Jewish studies, the author argues that the future of Judaism lies with the right-wing Centrists or Charedim due to their commitment and growing numbers.
Toby Lloyd, an atheist, wrote his novel "Fervor" about the Rosenthal family, a religious Jewish family, drawing from his own experiences and interactions with Jewish communities.
The text discusses a positive story on NBC Nightly News about Yeshivat HaHesder Yerucham, a program that combines Torah studies with military service for Religious Zionist students.
The Lehrhaus, a platform for Jewish content, has had a productive year in 2023, publishing at least 100 original pieces across various genres.
Rebbetzin Bruria Hutner David, who passed away in April 2023, is known for her involvement in her father's Torah work, Pachad Yitzchak, and her Ph. D. from Columbia University.
Stacey Goldman, a Jewish educator and philanthropist, has been inspired to bring her teaching online and reach a wider audience after recording her first shiur for the OU Women's Initiative.
Jeremy England, an accomplished research scientist and an observant Jew, explores the origins of life through his work on the emergence of life-like behaviors in non-living matter, bridging biology and physics and drawing inspiration from Torah.
The author passionately advocates for women's participation in in-depth Torah study within batei midrash, despite challenges and limitations in the traditional educational system.