Tag: Trump Campaign

In this podcast episode featuring Eli Lake, the discussion revolves around the Durham report, which scrutinizes the FBI's actions concerning its investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 and later.
The article discusses the similarities and differences between the Watergate scandal and the Russia investigation (Russiagate) involving Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Eli Lake discusses the ongoing Durham investigation on a podcast, focusing on the revelations about the 2016 efforts to prove collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, which have been found to be baseless.
The text discusses the idea of a crisis in confidence in modern times, exemplified by former Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell disowning her claims of election fraud.
In 2015, the Israeli private intelligence firm Psy-Group proposed to U.S. Jewish donors to undermine the BDS movement through covert tactics that included disrupting activities and running a media campaign, emphasizing secrecy to avoid traceability to Jews or Israelis.
Michael Glassner, who began his political career working for Bob Dole in the 1988 presidential campaign, progressed to roles with the Port Authority and involvement in pro-Israel politics, eventually joining AIPAC as a regional political director.