Tag: Ultra Orthodox Community

Israel's Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, has ruled to draft all Charedim into the army, causing uproar in the ultra-Orthodox community that views Torah study as paramount.
The podcast episode "Bibi's House of Cards" explores the growing rifts in Israel's ruling coalition, particularly between Benjamin Netanyahu, the White House, and the military, questioning if the government can stay united until the critical deadline of July 28.
Israeli filmmaker Rama Burshtein-Shai's latest drama, "Fire Dance," set in an ultra-Orthodox community near the Sea of Galilee, is the focus of the newest must-watch Israeli television series discussed on Unorthodox.
In 2023, 25 Haredi rabbis banned the use of AI chatbots, claiming that they contain heresy and dangers.
The author describes their experience living in Kibbutz Nahal Oz, a community on Israel's border with Gaza.
Prime Minister Netanyahu has reached an agreement with charedi and nationalist members of his coalition to secure the passage of the national budget.
In an interview on Haaretz Weekly, Israeli director Rama Burshtein discusses her work in depicting the lives and relationships within the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community.
"Shababnikim" is an Israeli sitcom that follows the lives of four yeshiva students as they navigate contemporary Israel.
This deeply personal account describes a couple's difficult journey when faced with the news that their unborn child has a chromosomal abnormality and will face numerous challenges.
Luxury housing projects are transforming traditional ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods in Jerusalem, catering to Haredi residents with upscale amenities like synagogues, art museums, and Shabbat-friendly features, responding to the growing wealth in some ultra-Orthodox communities.
A recent report commissioned by the Israeli nonprofit Out For Change sheds light on the growing trend of individuals leaving the ultra-Orthodox Haredi community in Israel.
The ultra-Orthodox community in Israel was once seen as integrating more into modern Israeli society, but this trend has stalled recently, with a plateau in employment and military participation rates and the moderate Haredi party Tov not achieving success in elections.