Tag: Un Security Council

Tensions are rising in Israeli society over the prioritization of a potential hostage deal with Palestine, involving the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails and the duration of a temporary ceasefire.
The text discusses the growing tension in Israeli society regarding prioritizing hostage deals, specifically concerning the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons.
Colonel Richard Justin Kemp, a retired British Army officer and expert on military operations, discusses the importance of Israel conducting a major offensive in Rafah to decisively eliminate Hamas's ability to threaten Israel and govern the Gaza Strip.
The discussion with Bret Stephens highlights President Biden's political challenges relating to inflation and immigration, rather than Israel or the Palestinians.
Yonit and Jonathan explore the strained US-Israel relationship following the US's decision not to use its veto power at the UN Security Council.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Gilad Halpern discuss the declining US-Israel relations following the US abstention on a UN Security Council resolution, comparing it humorously to Ross and Rachel from "Friends."
A recent Pew Research Center survey indicates that while Israel is facing some challenges in public opinion due to ongoing conflicts and PR struggles, overall, Americans still view Israelis more sympathetically than Palestinians.
In a discussion with Eli Lake, the focus is on the recent American abstention at the UN Security Council regarding a ceasefire resolution.
The text discusses the political and cynical elements at play in various international responses to the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The UN ceasefire resolution passed with US abstention signals a shift in US-Israel relations, indicating President Biden's frustration with Netanyahu's stance on Gaza and urging Israel to cooperate.
The US administration's recent actions regarding Israel and the Gaza conflict are causing controversy.
Russia and China vetoed a U.S.-led UN Security Council resolution that called for a ceasefire in Gaza because they felt it wasn't strong enough and didn't explicitly address Hamas' actions.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres recently highlighted the UN Security Council's deadlock over issues like Gaza and Ukraine, emphasizing the need for serious reform within the Council due to its inability to act effectively, primarily due to veto powers.
The article discusses the challenges Israel faces in the media regarding its conflict with Hamas.
The United States blocked a UN Security Council resolution blaming Israel for deaths during a humanitarian aid delivery in Gaza.
The United States and Europe appear to be aligning with Hamas as they express discontent with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's handling of the conflict.
The United Nations Security Council has adopted a resolution urging the acceleration of assistance to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
The United States has called for full backing of Israel at the UN Security Council following a terrorist assault by Hamas.
The article discusses the recent attack by Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, on Jack Lew, an Orthodox Jew who has been nominated as the next American ambassador to Israel.
In this article, it is noted that just days into his new government, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced a confrontation with one of his coalition partners, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.
In a discussion on the "Women's Ways of Protest" edition of the Tel Aviv Review, the hosts reflect on the director of B'Tselem urging the UN Security Council to take action against Israel to end the Occupation, the effectiveness of women's peace activism as seen in the Women Wage Peace organization's recent "March of Hope," and a study exploring why many Israelis unfriended others on Facebook during the 2014 Gaza War due to differing views being expressed authentically online.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Palestinian proposal for peace negotiations with a deadline set by the UN Security Council, questioning the potential outcomes.