Tag: United Hatzalah

New York City Mayor Eric Adams declared Eden Golan Day at a United Hatzalah gala fundraiser in Manhattan, honoring the Israeli singer who participated in Eurovision and performed at the event.
President Biden recently met with 4-year-old Abigail Edan, a dual American and Israeli citizen who was released after being held hostage by Hamas.
Floyd Mayweather, a former boxing champion known for his history of domestic violence, has received praise and support from various Jewish organizations and leaders for his vocal advocacy and charitable donations in support of Israel.
A recent attack at a West Bank gas station carried out by a Palestinian gunman, suspected to be a Palestinian police officer, resulted in the deaths of two Israelis, including a 17-year-old boy.
This article discusses a group of Syrian Jewish women who traveled to Israel to assist and show solidarity during the recent war.
Amid the ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza, there has been a surprising increase in the number of Haredi men volunteering to serve in the Israeli army.
Despite warnings from the U.S., Israeli, and Ukrainian governments about the dangerous conditions due to an ongoing war, tens of thousands of Jewish men and boys are expected to travel to Uman, Ukraine, for the annual Rosh Hashanah pilgrimage to honor Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.
Despite warnings from the U.S., Israeli, and Ukrainian governments about the dangers of traveling to Uman, Ukraine for the annual Rosh Hashanah pilgrimage, tens of thousands of Jewish men and boys are expected to make the trip to pay tribute to Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.
United Hatzalah, an emergency relief team, ventured into the rural areas of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck.
Jill Baker Shames, a social worker and member of United Hatzalah in Israel, volunteered in Moldova and Ukraine to assist refugees fleeing from the war in Ukraine.
In this article, Linor Attias, a volunteer medic with United Hatzalah and an emergency management specialist, shares her experiences at the Ukrainian-Moldovan border.